We aim to provide a platform for those who want to explore this beautiful world on their own. By bringing people together to share their travel routes and experiences with the community, we create a database full of exciting trips from countries all over the world. This collection of individual journeys should inspire and help others to find their very own perfect trip, so that they can experience the cultural and natural wonders of our planet.
Use our search engine to find trips for a specific country or just get inspired by the journeys from other travellers.
Help other travellers to find their perfect travel route by sharing your own journey with the community.
Our trip-database provides you with all important information for planning and realizing your perfect trip on one single platform.
All information is clear and easy to understand, free and accessible for everyone and based on true experiences from other travellers.
We are four friends from three different countries who love to travel and explore the world. By planning our own trips, we found it very time intensive to get all the information we needed. We realized that the travel-planning could be improved easily by providing all necessary information on one single platform.
„We wanted to have real information and experiences from other travelers on one single platform"
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BUY US A COFFEEIf you have some suggestions for improvement, or you are missing something or you would love to share your thoughts with us? We are happy to hear from you!